About English

Hello everyone
Today I am going to write about english language, in special about english class. I had that make the four levels of english class, and always it has been hard but same I have learned something that has served me for my career, how to read the text that it is in english.
My experience learning english at University have been very against of my will jeje, I dont like english, and it makes me difficult understand it, listening it and the grammar is a little more easy because just I need memory, but speak it is terrible for me, the pronuntiation and fluency. However I have teachers very good, for example Rosita Sagal and Beatriz Sanches, with them I was more easy learning english, and nowadays I have of teacher at Claudia Marquez with her more all what I have learned in those years of the career I can understand more than before, and I have managed thinking in english for write in blog or for a conversation. When we started to write about different topics in blogs I reached to add vocabulary to what I knew was not mush, and I learning more about the grammar and the correct way of write, speak, the order of things, etc. 
I need to improve my way of speak, pronuntiation, fluency, vocabulary to use spontaneously, because this is what I think it makes me more difficult. I believe that also is for I am ashame and I don't like show me, always I have suffered when It's my turn to present, so I need work this, facing and doing it simply. 
If I don't stay in class I don't use english, sometime I see series in english with subtitles in spanish. 
Well that's all for today.
Thanks for reading me.


  1. For me it is also difficult to learn to pronounce well. To develop that subtleties of the language takes a lot of practice and time.

  2. Me too, I don´t like either study english :( but is necessary


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