My future job: Art Therapy

Hi everyone!!
Today I going to talk about how I imagine my future job.

I imagine that after completing the career of psychology and work, to raise money and study a post title of art therapy in the South and to practice in the same region, in a town or city of the South and thus establish and live there.

I would like to work with older adults, that is given in a pleasant environment, pleasant, trustworthy. Where everyone has an active role, an instance of which they participate and profit. I would like that was outdoor, however I must keep in mind that weather is changeable, and usually the south is cold or rainy and therefore the art therapy will have to be indoors. 
I imagine working in differents places, traveling between differents towns of the south of chile, and I knowing a lot of beautiful and exotic places, and to the people.  

I study psycology, am in fourth year, soon I Will take to decision of to chose my practice place, I wait to do in place where work with older adults. And I want to do the memory with relation to the older adults, and the way coping that they have to confront differents situations of life.  

Thanks for reading me.


  1. Hi lili, I know art therapy is your thing, because i know you have potential in that. Work hard to achieved it :)


  2. Lili I love the idea you have of going to south of Chile, it will go very well in everything!

  3. I like the way you talk about what you want to do in the future. It’s pretty obvious you’re sure of what you want to do, and I hope you accomplish all your dreams!


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